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An Aeneid commentary of mixed type / Vergilius Maro (1996)
Titre : An Aeneid commentary of mixed type : the glosses in mss Harley 4946 and Ambrosianus G111 inf. a critical ed. Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vergilius Maro ; Julian Ward Jones, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Année de publication : 1996 Collection : Studies and texts, ISSN 0082-5328 num. 126 Importance : VII-248 p. Format : 23 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-88844-126-3 Note générale : Bibliogr. p. 207-211. Index Langues : Anglais (eng) An Aeneid commentary of mixed type : the glosses in mss Harley 4946 and Ambrosianus G111 inf. a critical ed. [texte imprimé] / Vergilius Maro ; Julian Ward Jones, Editeur scientifique . - Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1996 . - VII-248 p. ; 23 cm. - (Studies and texts, ISSN 0082-5328; 126) .
ISBN : 978-0-88844-126-3
Bibliogr. p. 207-211. Index
Langues : Anglais (eng)Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité LAT SaT 126 Livre Paris-Iéna Section Latine Exclu du prêt An epitome of biblical history / Galterius de Castillione (2008)
Titre : An epitome of biblical history : glosses on Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis 4.176-274 Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Galterius de Castillione, Auteur ; David Townsend, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Année de publication : 2008 Collection : Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, ISSN 0082-5050 num. 30 Importance : VIII-93 p. Format : 22 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-88844-480-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Latin (lat) An epitome of biblical history : glosses on Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis 4.176-274 [texte imprimé] / Galterius de Castillione, Auteur ; David Townsend, Editeur scientifique . - Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2008 . - VIII-93 p. ; 22 cm. - (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts, ISSN 0082-5050; 30) .
ISBN : 978-0-88844-480-6
Langues : Anglais (eng) Latin (lat)Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité LAT TMLT 30 Livre Paris-Iéna Section Latine Exclu du prêt Anglicanus ortus / Henricus Huntendunensis (2012)
Titre : Anglicanus ortus : a verse herbal of the twelfth century Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Henricus Huntendunensis, Auteur ; Winston Black, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Année de publication : 2012 Collection : British writers of the Middle Ages and the early modern period num. 3 Importance : 1 vol. (xiv-561 p.) Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-88844-180-5 Note générale : Texte latin avec traduction anglaise en regard.
IndexLangues : Anglais (eng) Latin (lat) Anglicanus ortus : a verse herbal of the twelfth century [texte imprimé] / Henricus Huntendunensis, Auteur ; Winston Black, Editeur scientifique . - Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2012 . - 1 vol. (xiv-561 p.) ; 25 cm. - (British writers of the Middle Ages and the early modern period; 3) .
ISBN : 978-0-88844-180-5
Texte latin avec traduction anglaise en regard.
Langues : Anglais (eng) Latin (lat)Exemplaires (2)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité LAT SaT 180 Livre Paris-Iéna Section Latine Exclu du prêt Lexicographie Livre Paris-Institut Lexicographie Exclu du prêt Anselm & Becket / Iohannes Saresberiensis (cop. 2009)
Titre : Anselm & Becket : two Canterbury saints' lives Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Iohannes Saresberiensis (c.1120-+1180), Auteur ; Ronald E. Pepin, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Année de publication : cop. 2009 Collection : Mediaeval sources in translation num. 46 Importance : 1 vol. (VIII-108 p.) Présentation : couv. ill. Format : 23 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-88844-298-7 Langues : Anglais (eng) Anselm & Becket : two Canterbury saints' lives [texte imprimé] / Iohannes Saresberiensis (c.1120-+1180), Auteur ; Ronald E. Pepin, Editeur scientifique . - Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, cop. 2009 . - 1 vol. (VIII-108 p.) : couv. ill. ; 23 cm. - (Mediaeval sources in translation; 46) .
ISBN : 978-0-88844-298-7
Langues : Anglais (eng)Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité LAT MED IOH SAR Pep Livre Paris-Iéna Section Latine Exclu du prêt Art in a time of war / Gregory Thomas Clark (cop. 2016)
Titre : Art in a time of war : the Master of Morgan 453 and manuscript illumination in Paris during the English occupation (1419-1435) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Gregory Thomas Clark, Auteur Editeur : Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Année de publication : cop. 2016 Collection : Text, image, context num. 3 Importance : 1 vol. (XXVIII-388 p.) Présentation : ill. en noir et en coul., fac-sim Format : 26 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-88844-197-3 Note générale : Bibliogr. p. 369-376. Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Art in a time of war : the Master of Morgan 453 and manuscript illumination in Paris during the English occupation (1419-1435) [texte imprimé] / Gregory Thomas Clark, Auteur . - Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, cop. 2016 . - 1 vol. (XXVIII-388 p.) : ill. en noir et en coul., fac-sim ; 26 cm. - (Text, image, context; 3) .
ISBN : 978-0-88844-197-3
Bibliogr. p. 369-376. Index
Langues : Anglais (eng)Exemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ICO. 4° X 2842 Livre Paris-Iéna Iconographie Exclu du prêt Arts and sciences at Padua / Nancy G Siraisi (1973)
PermalinkAssart data and land values / James Ambrose Raftis (1974.)
PermalinkBartholomaeus Anglicus On the properties of soul and body / Bartholomaeus ([1979])
PermalinkBeneventan discoveries / Virginia Brown (2012)
PermalinkBibliographical register of Paris doctors of theology, 1500-1536 / James K Farge (1980)
PermalinkBoccaccio in defence of poetry / Boccace (1978)
PermalinkBody-worlds / Karl Whittington (cop. 2014)
PermalinkA Book of British kings, 1200 BC - 1399 AD (2000)
PermalinkBooks and bookmen in early modern Britain (2018)
PermalinkBusiness contracts of Medieval Provence / notarius Massilie Giraudus Amalricus (1981)
PermalinkCalendar of the letters of Arnaud Aubert camerarius apostolicus 1361-1371 / Arnaldus Alberti (1992)
PermalinkA catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance optical manuscripts / David C. Lindberg (1975)
PermalinkCatalogus translationum et commentariorum : Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin translations and commentaries : annotated lists and guides. Vol. X / Greti Dinkova-Bruun (cop. 2014)
PermalinkCatalogus translationum et commentariorum : Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin translations and commentaries : annotated lists and guides. Vol. XI (2016)
PermalinkCharters, cartularies, and archives : the preservation and transmission of documents in the medieval West (2002)
PermalinkChristine de Pizan's Epistre Othéa / Sandra Louise Hindman (1986)
PermalinkCollectio Toletana (2008)
PermalinkCommentaries on Boethius / Theodoricus Carnotensis (1971)
PermalinkCommentum Sedulii Scotti in maiorem Donatum grammaticum / Sedulius Scottus (1975)
PermalinkDoctor Bernard de Gordon, professor and practitioner / Luke E. Demaitre (1980)
PermalinkA Durham book of devotions (1987)
PermalinkUn éloge de Jacques, le frère du Seigneur par un Pseudo-André de Crète / Andreas Cretensis (1978)
PermalinkEnchiridion super Apocalypsim / Joachim (1986)
PermalinkEnglish school exercises, 1420-1530 / Nicholas Orme (2013)
PermalinkEriugena's commentary on the Dionysian "Celestial Hierarchy" / Paul Rorem (2005)
PermalinkEtienne Gilson anniversary studies (1958)
PermalinkExcommunication and the secular arm in medieval England / Francis Donald Logan (1968)
PermalinkExploring the boundaries of reason / Robertus Holkot (1983)
PermalinkFirst the Bow is Bent in Study / Michèle Mulchahey (cop 1998)
PermalinkFra Nicola da Milano. Collationes de beata virgine / Nicolaus Mediolanensis (1997)
PermalinkFriars in the cathedral / Williell R. Thomson (1975)
PermalinkHistoria calamitatum (2015)
PermalinkHistorical and intellectual culture in the long twelfth century (copyright 2016)
PermalinkHumbert of Romans / Edward Tracy Brett (1984)
PermalinkIndex of the catalogues of greek manuscripts in Holland / John Duffy ; Walter M. Hayes ; P. B. Blaney (1977)
PermalinkInsular Latin studies : papers on Latin texts and manuscripts of the British Isles : 550-1066 (1981)
PermalinkInterlacing traditions / Luisa Nardini (cop. 2016)
PermalinkIter Psellianum / Paul Moore (2005)
PermalinkJesus and Saracens in the Consilia of Oldradus de Ponte / Norman P. Zacour (1990)
PermalinkJordanus de Nemore and the mathematics of astrolabes / Iordanus Nemorarius (1978)
PermalinkJoseph d'Arimathie / Robert de Boron (1995)
PermalinkLatin colloquies from pre-conquest Britain edited from Oxford, St John's College, Ms. 154 and from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Bodley 865 (1996)
PermalinkLectura romana in primum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi / Thomas Aquinas (2006)
PermalinkLectura super Sententias / Galterius Chatton (2008)
PermalinkLectura super Sententias / Galterius Chatton (2009)
PermalinkLetter to Pope Hadrian about the novelties of the day / Gerhoch de Reichersberg (1974)
PermalinkLiber florum celestis doctrine / Jean de Morigny (cop. 2015)
PermalinkLiber poenitentialis / Robertus Flamesburiensis (1971)
PermalinkLife and works of Clarembald of Arras / Clarembaldus Atrebatensis (1965)
PermalinkLordship and community / Eleanor Searle (1974)
Permalink"Ludus de decem virginibus" / Renate Amstutz (2002)
PermalinkA Macaronic sermon collection from Late Medieval England / Patrick J. Horner (2006)
PermalinkManuscript listings for the authored works of the Palaeologan period / Robert E. Sinkewicz (1989)
PermalinkManuscript listings for the authors of classical and late Antiquity / Robert E. Sinkewicz (1990)
PermalinkManuscript listings for the authors of the patristic and byzantine periods / Robert E. Sinkewicz (1992)
PermalinkManuscripts of the Evangelium Nicomedi / Zbigniew Izydorczyk (1993)
PermalinkMEDIAEVAL STUDIES (1939-...)
PermalinkMedieval heresies / Carl T. Berkhout (1981)
PermalinkMiddle French proverbs, sentences and proverbial phrases / James Woodrow Hassell (1982)
PermalinkMiracles and the Venerable Bede / William David McCready (1994)
PermalinkMiracles of the Virgin Mary, in verse / Nigellus Wireker (1986)
PermalinkModes of Authorship in the Middle Ages (2012)
PermalinkMoriuht / Garnerius de Sancto Avdoeno (1995)
PermalinkNicole Oresme and The marvels of nature / Nicolaus Oresme (1985)
PermalinkNine mediaeval thinkers (1955)
PermalinkOcelli nominum / Wilma Fitzgerald (1992)
PermalinkPainting the page in the age of print (2018)
PermalinkPeter Lombard and his students / Matthew A. Doyle (cop. 2016)
PermalinkPeter of Cornwall's Book of revelations / Peter of Cornwall (2013)
PermalinkPeter the Venerable / Petrus Venerabilis (1974)
PermalinkPhilippe de Mézières'campaign for the Feast of Mary's Presentation / Bibliothèque nationale de France (1981)
PermalinkPoems on contemporary events / John Gower (2011)
PermalinkLes poésies de Guilhem de Montanhagol, troubadour provençal du XIIIe siècle / Guilhem de Montanhagol (1964)
PermalinkPoetria nova of Geoffrey of Vinsauf, translated / Geoffrey of Vinsauf (1967)
PermalinkPreachers, florilegia, and sermons / Richard Hunter Rouse (1979)
PermalinkProject description and development strategy / Robert E. Sinkewicz (1989)
PermalinkPsalterium alias laudatorium Papae Benedicto XIII dedicatum / Francesc Eiximenis (1988)
PermalinkQuaestiones de anima / Thomas Aquinas (1968)
PermalinkQuaestiones de quolibet / Guerricus de Sancto Quintino (2002)
PermalinkQuaestiones super libro Elenchorum / Simonus de Faversham (1984)
PermalinkQuaestiones super librum Posteriorum / Galterius Burlaeus (2000)
PermalinkReading and the work of restoration / Franklin T. Harkins (2010)
PermalinkReligion, text, and society in medieval Spain and Northern Europe (cop. 2002)
PermalinkReportatio super sententias Liber 1 / Galterius Chatton (2002)
PermalinkReportatio super sententias Liber 2 / Galterius Chatton (2004)
PermalinkReportatio super sententias Liber 3-4 / Galterius Chatton (2005)
PermalinkRobert Grosseteste and his intellectual milieu (2013)
PermalinkRobert Grosseteste (2012)
PermalinkSaint Peter Damiani and his canonical Sources / J. Joseph Ryan (1956)
PermalinkSaints'lives by Walter of Châtillon / Galterius de Castillione (2002)
PermalinkSeeing the future clearly / Robertus Holcot (1995)
PermalinkSelected sermons of Stephen Langton / Étienne Langton (1980)
PermalinkUn signe des temps / Francine Michaud (1994)
PermalinkSt. Thomas Aquinas : 1274-1974 (1974)
PermalinkStella clericorum (1997)
PermalinkStudies in the sermons of Stephen Langton / Phyllis Barzillay Roberts (1968)
PermalinkSumma super Priscianum / Petrus Helie (1993)
PermalinkA survey of the Vatican archives and of its medieval holdings / Leonard E. Boyle (1972)
PermalinkTemplum Dei / Robertus Grosseteste (1984)
PermalinkTenure and Mobility / James Ambrose Raftis (1964)
PermalinkThe ancestry of Jesus (2005)
PermalinkThe Antwerp-London Glossaries / David W. Porter (2011)
PermalinkThe Apostolic See and the Jews. Documents / Shlomo Simonsohn (1988-1990)
PermalinkThe Aristotelian tradition (2017)
PermalinkThe art and science of logic / Roger Bacon (2009)
PermalinkThe arts of editing medieval Greek and Latin / Elisabet Göransson ; Gunilla Iversen ; Barbara Crostini Lappin (2016)
PermalinkThe book of the covenant / Joseph Kimḥi (1972)
PermalinkThe Canterbury Hymnal (1982)
PermalinkThe Cardinal Virtues / Thomas Aquinas (2004)
PermalinkThe Chronicle of Zuqnin Parts 3-4 A.D. 488-775 (1999)
PermalinkThe chronicle of Zuqnîn Parts 3 and 4 A.D. 488-775 (cop. 1999)
PermalinkThe church and vernacular literature in medieval France (2009)
PermalinkThe "Collectio Burdegalensis" / Kriston R. Rennie (2013)
PermalinkThe "Collectio canonum Casinensis duodecimi seculi" : Codex terscriptus (cop. 2001)
PermalinkThe commentary on Martianus Capella's De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii attributed to Bernardus Silvestris / Bernardus Silvestris (1986)
PermalinkThe commentary on the 'De arithmetica' of Boethius / Theodoricus Carnotensis (cop. 2015)
PermalinkThe deposition of Richard II (2007)
PermalinkThe doctrine of being in the Aristotelian "Metaphysics" / Joseph Owens (1978)
PermalinkThe Estates of Ramsey abbey / James Ambrose Raftis (1957)
PermalinkThe Fables of Walter of England edited from Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codex Guelferbytanus 185 Helmstadiensis / Galterius Anglicus (1997)
PermalinkThe fall of man / Avitus (1985)
PermalinkThe first Latin translation of Euclid's Elements commonly ascribed to Adelard of Bath / Euclid (1983)
PermalinkThe Fleury Play of Herod (1965)
PermalinkThe Glosae super Platonem of Bernard of Chartres / Bernard de Chartres (1991)
PermalinkThe Gospel of Nicodemus / H. C. Kim (1973)
PermalinkThe Hisperica famina (1974)
PermalinkThe Icelandic legend of Saint Dorothy (1997)
PermalinkThe Intonation formulas of western chant / Terence Bailey (1974)
PermalinkThe Latin poems of Richard Ledrede, O.F.M., Bishop of Ossory, 1317-1360 / Richard de Ledrede (1974)
PermalinkThe Latin rhetorical commentaries by Thierry of Chartres / Theodoricus Carnotensis (1988)
PermalinkThe Latin writings of John Wyclyf / Williell R. Thomson (1983)
PermalinkThe making of the 'Historia scholastica', 1150-1200 / Mark Clark (cop. 2015)
PermalinkThe marvels of Rome / Gregorius Magister (1987)
PermalinkThe mediaeval liar / Paul Vincent Spade (1975)
PermalinkThe moral treatise on the eye / Petrus Lemovicensis (2012)
PermalinkThe music in the St. Victor manuscript Paris lat. 15139. Polyphony of the thirteenth century (1959)
PermalinkThe Norman conquest of pious Neustria / Felice Lifshitz (1995)
PermalinkThe old French Evangile de l'enfance (1984)
PermalinkThe One hundred and fifty chapters / Gregorius Palamas (cop 1988)
PermalinkThe Oxford poems of Hugh Primas. And the Arundel lyrics / Hugo Primas (1984)
PermalinkThe poems of Walter of Wimborne / Gauterus de Wymburnia (1978)
PermalinkThe Processions of Sarum and the western church / Terence Bailey (1971)
PermalinkThe questions on the sacraments / Radulphus Ardens (2010)
PermalinkThe repression of Catharism at Toulouse / John Hine Mundy (1985)
PermalinkThe Rule of St. Benedict / Ordre de saint Benoît (1982)
PermalinkThe sermons of William of Newburgh / A.B. Kraebel (2010)
PermalinkThe Songs of Jaufré Rudel / Jaufré Rudel (1978)
PermalinkThe Summa Parisiensis on the Decretum Gratiani (2007)
PermalinkThe theory of Papal monarchy in the fourteenth century / Guillaume de Pierre Godin (1982)
PermalinkThe tradition of medieval logic and speculative grammar from Anselm to the end of the seventeenth century / Earline Jennifer Ashworth (1978)
PermalinkThe trial of the Talmud / Robert Chazan (2012)
PermalinkThe Vulgate commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses / Ovidius (1991)
PermalinkThe will in medieval England / Michael McMahon Sheehan (1963)
PermalinkThe works of Richard of Campsall / Edward A Synan (1968-1982)
PermalinkTheoleptos of Philadelpheia / Theoleptus Philadelphiensis (1992)
PermalinkA thirteenth-century anthology of rhetorical poems, Glasgow Ms Hunterian V. 8. 14 (1975)
PermalinkA thirteenth-century preacher's handbook / Mary E. O'Carroll (1997)
Permalink[This volume is dedicated to the memory of the reverend Alexander J. Denomy C.S.B.]. (1957)
PermalinkThree Latin comedies / Alan Keith Bate (1976)
PermalinkThree lives of English saints / Michael Winterbottom (1972)
PermalinkTo the image of the Trinity / D. Juvenal Merriell (1990)
PermalinkTranslatio studii / Edouard Jeauneau (1995)
PermalinkDe Trinitate / Guillelmus Alverniensis (1976)
PermalinkTwo Alcuin letter-books / Alcuinus (1975)
PermalinkDe uiris illustribus / John Leland (2010)
PermalinkUniversity education of the parochial clergy in medieval England / Francis Donald Logan (2014)
PermalinkLa Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur (1993)
PermalinkLa vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur : the Old and Middle French prose versions (1984)
PermalinkWalter Chatton. Reportatio et lectura super Sententias / Galterius Chatton (1989)
PermalinkWestern mediterranean prophecy / Harold Lee (1989)
PermalinkWilliam de Montibus (c. 1140-1213) / Guillelmus de Montibus (1992)
PermalinkYstoria sancti Thome de Aquino de Guillaume de Tocco, 1323 / Guillelmus de Tocco (1996)